
$7.99 / onetime (20 credits)

MusicStar.AI is an app that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to generate music.

It can create beats, lyrics, and vocals in under a minute. All you have to do is type in a prompt, like the title of a song, and your favorite style of music, and the app will do the rest.

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$7.99 / one time (20 credits)  Get this deal

It's perfect for anyone who wants to create their own music but doesn't have the time or skills to do it themselves. With MusicStar.AI, you can have a team of AI music composers at your disposal to help you write a hit song.

  • MusicStar.AI is an app that uses AI to generate music in under a minute.
  • You can create beats, lyrics, and vocals by typing in a prompt and your favorite style of music.
  • It's perfect for people who want to create their own music but don't have the skills or time to do it themselves.
  • The app can generate music multiple times until you're satisfied with your song.
  • AI is being used to transform the way we create, perform, and appreciate music.
  • MusicStar.AI is like having a team of AI music composers to help you write a hit song.

MusicStar.AI How It Works

Use cases for MusicStar.AI

  • Aspiring musicians who want to create original music but don't have the skills or resources to do it themselves. They can use MusicStar.AI to generate music in their preferred style and use it as a foundation for their own songs.
  • Songwriters who are experiencing writer's block and need inspiration. They can use MusicStar.AI to generate lyrics based on their favorite songs or their own prompts to jumpstart their creativity.
  • Music producers who want to quickly create demo tracks or background music for their projects. They can use MusicStar.AI to generate music in various genres and styles, saving them time and effort.

MusicStar.AI Pricing

FAQs and answers

Q: Can I use the generated music for commercial purposes?

A: Yes, the music generated by MusicStar.AI is royalty-free, so you can use it for any purpose, including commercial projects.

Q: Can I customize the generated music?

A: While you can't customize the generated music directly, you can input your own lyrics or prompts to influence the style and content of the music generated by the app.

Q: Is the generated music unique?

A: Yes, the music generated by MusicStar.AI is unique to each prompt. You can generate music multiple times until you find a composition that satisfies your needs.

Q: How long does it take to generate music?

A: MusicStar.AI can generate music in under a minute. The AI algorithms work quickly to create beats, lyrics, and vocals based on the input provided by the user.   

$7.99 / one time (20 credits)  Get this deal